Saturday, 17 September 2011

Crochet Patterns for Beginners

Crochet Patterns for Beginners  The things you will need for making a crochet pattern is a hook and yarn. Before you go shopping for material for a particular crochet pattern, it is advisable to read the tutorial of the particular crochet pattern you are interested in making and then buy the yarn, and the size of the hook. You can make a crochet pattern using different colors of yarns, but as a beginner make your first crochet pattern using the common off-white yarn, and then experiment with different patterns using various yarn colors.

Crochet Patterns for Afghans Stitch
Just like knitting where there are different stitches, and few easy stitches for beginners; afghans are one such stitch when it comes to crocheting. Special hooks are used for making afghans, so that there is more space for the large number of stitches. For afghan crochet or Tunis crochet, you need to keep the right side of the work always facing you, and work on a base chain, and then make rows by looping the yarn first from right to left and the second half left to right. By learning these easy crochet patterns you can make scarves, blankets and other easy patterns.

Crochet Patterns for Scarves
For this pattern you need to first practice making a basic chain and learn the single crochet stitches. To learn how to crotchet a scarf, use bulky yarn and J size or larger crochet hook. For making the scarf, first make a slip knot and base chain which is around 14 stitches to get the length of the scarf. make another extra stitch and turn, then insert the crotchet hook in the second chain and make another single crotchet stitch and this way make a row, this way keep turning the stitch and making the rows, till you are satisfied with the size of the scarf.

Crochet Patterns for Baby Blankets
Select soft yarns which feels nice to  like cotton yarns, for making a baby blanket. Then using a similar stitch pattern like the above mentioned scarf pattern, you can make the baby blanket

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